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Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Sensitive teeth are one of the most common complaints amongst adult dental patients in the United States. At least 40 million adults in America have suffered from tooth sensitivity at some point. Sensitive teeth are very common, so if you have them you are not alone. What causes sensitive teeth? And how is is best to handle them? Read on to learn more about what to do for your sensitive teeth.

why are my teeth sensitive

Do you have sensitive teeth?

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Sensitive teeth occur when fluid moves within the small tubes located in dentin. Dentin is the layer of tissue within the tooth found beneath the hard enamel that contains the inner pulp. This often results in nerve irritation. When the hard enamel is worn down due to normal wear or lacking hygiene, this exposes the tiny tube surfaces and opens you up to sensitive teeth. Pain can result from eating or drinking food or beverages that are hot or cold, touching your teeth, or breathing in cold air.

Specific Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

If you find yourself asking “Why are my teeth sensitive?” Here are some specifics. If you do not brush and floss regularly and maintain good oral hygiene, you run the risk of creating numerous oral health problems for yourself down the road. This includes tooth sensitivity. Eating too many highly acidic beverages and foods can also contribute to this condition. These include citrus juices and fruits, sodas, and other soft drinks. Bulimia and acid reflux can also erode hard tooth enamel over time due to the increase of acids in the mouth. Also, toothpastes with abrasive whitening or tartar-control ingredients can contribute to and increase issues related to and including sensitive teeth.

How To Care For Sensitive Teeth

Use gentler toothpastes designed specifically for sensitive teeth. If you have sensitive teeth, avoid consuming a large amount of highly acidic citrus juices or soft drinks, which can erode tooth enamel and cause discomfort. Avoid using hard-bristled toothbrushes. Also, many Americans brush their teeth entirely too hard, contributing to their own tooth sensitivity unknowingly. It’s easy to tell if you brush too hard. Take a good hard look at your toothbrush. If the bristles are pointing in multiple directions, you are being far too rough with your teeth. If a tooth is highly sensitive for more than 3 or 4 days, it is important to see a dentist.

Get In Touch With Olney Dental Today

Interested in learning more about how cosmetic dentistry can make your smile happier? Call Olney Dental at (301) 250-1057 or contact us online for an appointment. And don’t forget to visit Facebook, Twitter,Google+,Pinterest, and YouTube to connect with us on social media.

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